About an hour from our house is an amazing dinosaur museum.
They start with the creation of the world and go through time as you walk through.
They had an audio set you could rent so that you could hear what the signs say in English
This was where the dinosaurs really started, this was a whole canyon set up, the dinosaur moved and made noises. We were leaving and William begged to go back and look at the little stream flowing down. As we stood there the sky darkened and they replicated thunder and lightening. All of a sudden, a huge wave of water came crashing down, I was holding Kaelyn and I thought for sure that we were going to get totally soaked so I jump back as far as I could, We didn't get even a drop on us, but Nick said it was totally priceless to see the look on my face.
All of the bugs and animals moved, and Kaelyn was mesmerized.
I made sure to be a good mom even if it meant making a fool of myself to explain how everything worked to them.
Ironically, William was really scared, and it just got worse the farther we went through. By the time we got to the T-Rex, he was terrified that it was going to get him. Kaelyn on the other hand, waved to it, said he and roared back before running away giggling.
They had a 3D show about the daily life of dinosaurs, I was out in the hall with William but Kaelyn and Nick loved what they got to see of it.
One of the last things we saw was a 3D movie about Megladon (the biggest shark to ever live). You walked into what looked like the inside of a boat, the walls pulled up and you saw it swimming in the ocean. He crashed into the wall cracking it, and that is when William lost it. He was yelling to go, begging me to hurry before we got hurt. We went out, a few minutes later having been sprayed with water. They said he crashed into the glass again cracking and got sprayed with a thick mist of water.
William's favorite part was the huge playground they had. This picture only shows about half of the play area, which included just about every kind of toy that is outlawed in the states.
We had so much fun, we were there for almost 4 hours. We'll be going back one day, when William is a little older and can understand a little bit better that it is just pretend.
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