Sunday, March 29, 2015

Childrens Museum


One day we went with a friend and her daughter to a local childrens' museum for a fun day out. 

This one wasn't like most of the in the states but it was still so much fun. They had a room with gongs and drums.

Upstairs were different thing to explore with sand like a pendulum, and a spinning bucket.

The main floor had different ways to play with balls.

In the basement they had all of the musical things like these singing drums.

One room had pots filled with different things like pine cones, sand, horse hair, bottle caps, etc so that you could reach in and feel all sorts of different textures.

I think all three of them would vote the sand room as their favorite, they had so much fun and it took a lot of work to get them to move onto the next room.

There is an ice room in the winter, we were only in for a minute because he got scared but they had different things frozen in blocks of ice, icicles and formations on the walls.

We are going to go back once it is warmer with our husband and see all of the fun exhibits they have during the warm summer months.

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