Sunday, August 21, 2011

The countdown to Graduation begins

Only ten days left till I will be in Missouri with Nick's parents, getting ready to spend the day with him, and I can't wait!
This weekend I got what will probably be the last of the letters he will be writing during his Basic Training. A lot has happened since he got there, he has learned so much and has grown almost just as much.
He has been given the nick-name of Mushu from Mulan because he is always pumped and running around everywhere.
The spent the last week doing a "ruck" march everyday. An 8K trip to the field training. Since he is the Platoon Guide he said he walked more like 12-13K running up and down the line keeping the soldiers moving. They spent a few days doing the obstacle courses you see in the movies, and he loved being able to put his training into action. He was voted to go through again for his platoon to compete against the other two, he was able to win with a time of seven minutes.
He had the opportunity, with a few others, to work with the Drill Sergeants on the platoons evaluations. They heard what they really thought of them and no one had anything negative to say about him. One even said he was the best Platoon Guide he ever had. It was refreshing to find out that everything he's worked so hard for has been noticed.
They all got fitted for their ASU's or "blues" (their dress uniforms) and he can't wait to show off how good he looks on family and graduation day.
He can't wait to move onto his job training, and is very excited to learn a new skill and find out exactly what he will be doing. Neither can I, because they are aloud a lot more phone calls and privlages during their Advance Inteligence Training then in Basic Training.
Almost there!

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