A couple of months ago it was announced that by January 1st, the unit Nick is apart of will only have 400 soldiers stationed in Afghanistan, so despite plans of extending the tour, it has actually been cut short. Nick's Major assured him that he would be on the first flight home. We are so excited because that means he will be coming home some time in the first two weeks of November.
The second big piece of news has to do with the fact that the Unit he is with is being shut down and absorbed into other bases. Although there is a very small chance that we will stay here at Fort Knox, it is not very likely. Most everyone else is moving about August of next year, however, due to the fact that they have cut 400 slots for people with Nick's job, they are still trying to figure out what to do with all of them. His job is not in jepordy, we just have to wait a little longer in order to find out when and where we are going.
With the military nothing is official until you are actually doing it, so since we do not have actual ordders for any of this, it could all change on any given day, but it is as official as unofficial news can get. It looks like life is going to get even crazier this next year!